

Beer Recipator

Homebrew Search Engines

Need the answer to a question fast? Chances are the answer may already be out there on the net. This page gives you access to many of the best homebrew search engines - all on one page.

This is the Usenet newsgroup for discussing all manner of homebrewing topics. Often times you can find a quick answer to a question in the Deja News archives:
Deja News Search for:

The Homebrew Digest
The HBD, as it is called, is a very successful homebrew mailing list. The discussions tend to be more technical in nature than rec.crafts.brewing but a lot can be learned in a short time. Chances are that the answer to a question can easily be found somewhere in the archives. Important: Seperate each keyword with an and or or.
Search archives for:

The Brewery
There are a number of databases at The Brewery with search capability. Complicated search phrases like (porter or stout) and not patent are permitted.
The Homebrew Digest - The Brewery maintains a seperate searchable archive of past HBD issues. Good news if the other server is down.
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Brews and Views - This is the Brewery's discussion board.
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The Cat's Meow - Over 1000 recipes.
Search expression:
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Gambrinus' Mug - Growing list of recipes that you can submit your own to directly from the web.
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