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Re: Brewer stone
Posted by Randal Boyd - Mon 11/1/99 5:28

Hello jean-roger,
Forget gimmicks like brewerstone, wort can be easily aerated with a simple gadget you can make yourself. Take a small length of copper tubing say 4"-5". 3/8 diameter will usually fit in most racking hose material. Insert it into your racking tube and drill two small holes in the copper just below the edge of the racking tube, one on each side of the copper tube. Insert the length of copper tube into a drilled rubber stopper of correct size to fit your carboy or other fermentation vessal, carefull not to cover the holes in the copper tube. Insert this device into your carboy and siphon your cooled wort into the carboy. Make sure there is enough distance between kettle and carboy so that gravity flow is strong. As the wort passes through
the copper tube air will be sucked in, aerating the wort as it goes.
Viola', aeration. I've been doing it for years, with excellent results. Cheers, Randy