The Obfüscator - Extract Version

Obfuscate (v):
1. To make dark; to overshadow; to blur beyond reason
2. To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth.

Brewer: Chris Ungvarsky Email:
Beer: The Obfüscator - Extract Version Style: Belgian Dubbel
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.5 gallons
30 HCU (~15 SRM)
Bitterness: 20 IBU
OG: 1.070 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 7.3% v/v (5.7% w/w)
Grain: 1 lb. Belgian Munich
4 oz. Belgian Biscuit
4 oz. Belgian Special B
4 oz. Belgian Aromatic
Steep: Steep grains at 150-160°F for 30 min. Rinse grains with 170°F water and collect runnings to brew pot.
Boil: 70 minutes SG 1.060 6.5 gallons
8 oz. Black Locust Honey
1 lb. Belgian candi sugar
6 lb. Light malt extract
2 lb. Wheat extract
Add pale and wheat extracts at beginning of boil. Add Candi Sugar for 10 minutes of boil. Then follow hop schedule. 1 tsp Irish Moss for last 15 minutes. Add honey at flameout.
Hops: 1 oz. Tettenanger (4.1% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Hallertau Tradition (5.8% AA, 30 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 3864 - Canadian/Belgian Ale in a 1 qt starter with 3/4 cup light dme and a few hops pellets
Log: AERATE WELL!!! Primary for 7 days at 75°F. Secondary for 14 days at 65°F.

Recipe posted 06/06/13.