
This is the second generation of this brew with only minor changes from the first.

Brewer: Jim Johnson Email: Hop_Head@webtv.net
Beer: Oktoberbock Style: -
Type: All grain Size: 10 gallons
13 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 29 IBU
OG: 1.077 FG: 1.018
Alcohol: 7.7% v/v (6.0% w/w)
Grain: 5 lb. German Vienna
2.00 lb. German Munich
1.00 lb. American crystal 40L
1.00 lb. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
1.00 lb. American crystal 20L
25 lb. German Pilsner
Mash: 59% efficiency
Protien rest 122°-128° f. for 10 min.
Raise @ 2°/min to 152° f. hold 60 min.
Raise to 156° f. and start sparge.
Sparge for 60-90 min. and collect approx. 12 gallons wort.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.064 12 gallons
Boil 90 minutes, add 2 tsp. yeast nuitrient and 3 tsp. irish moss. Start hop additions after 30 min. of boil.
Hops: 3 oz. Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 75 min.)
1 oz. Tettnanger (4.5% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Tettnanger (7.4% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 2633 (Oktoberfest) in 3 pint starter.
Log: Primary 2 weeks @ 50°f. Diacytal rest 48 hours @ 65° f. Secondary/lager 8 weeks down to 32°f. or a bit lower.
Carbonation: Keg 5 gallons and force carbonated. Bottle 5 gollons with 1-1/4 cup DME batch prime.

Recipe posted 08/28/00.