Ugly Turkey Old Ale

This is the strongest Old Ale I have ever brewed. The malt and hop levels are through the ceiling for this style.

Brewer: David Adkins Email:
Beer: Ugly Turkey Old Ale Style: English Old/Strong Ale
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
34 HCU (~17 SRM)
Bitterness: 57 IBU
OG: 1.083 FG: 1.022
Alcohol: 7.9% v/v (6.2% w/w)
Water: The water used for this batch was from the Glaciar Pure water machine at the Grocery Store. I treated the water with Gypsum to achieve the following mineral levels.
mash Sparge Finished
Calcium 71 75 113
Sulfate 164 174 268
Magnesium NA NA 3
Sodium NA NA 3
Choloride NA NA 3
Grain: 10 lb. 8 oz. British pale
12 oz. British crystal 50-60L
4 oz. American chocolate
Mash: 75% efficiency
Mash grains with 12 quarts 21 oz of 167 degree water treated with ¾ tsp. gypsum. Stabilize mash temp at 150-152 degrees. Sparge with 5 ½ gallons 175 degree water treated with 1 ½ tsp gypsum.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.083 5 gallons
2 lb. 0 oz. Light dry malt extract
Bring the wort to a boil, and add the DME and boiling hops. Boil 1 hr 15 minutes, then add the Irish moss. Boil 15 more minutes.
Hops: 2 1/2 oz. UK Challenger (7.6% AA, 90 min.)
1/2 oz. UK Challenger (7.6% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast London Special yeast with 1 quart starter, which was stepped up from a 1 pint starter the night before brew day.
Log: 7/8/00
Brewed the beer
Racked approximately 4 1/2 gallons. 1.028 and still fermenting.
Bottled the batch.
24 Imperial pints and 8 American long neck bottles filled.
Carbonation: Primed the batch with 1 1/4 lb. DME
Tasting: I liked this ale a lot. It had a nice malt profile with some hop
bitterness. It was more like a Scottish strong ale than a English
strong ale.
Next year I would like to brew and old ale which is more quaffable
than this one because I have yet to make an English Old ale that I bothliked and was within style guidelines.

Recipe posted 01/15/01.