Harry's Bock

This is my first attempt at a Bock beer. Yes, I know, I'm posting the recipe when it hasn't even finished fermenting - call me impatient.

The color, from what I've read, is about as dark as a Bock beer should be. If you're being accurate, you might put less Amber extract and more Light extract.

Brewer: Harry Email: -
Beer: Harry's Bock Style: Bock
Type: Partial mash Size: 23 liters
16 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 1 IBU
OG: 1.072 FG: 1.017
Alcohol: 7.0% v/v (5.5% w/w)
Grain: 1.5kg American 2-row
Mash: 68% efficiency
Simple partial mash:
- Heat 3l water to 75deg C, add grain
- Transfer to insultated container (5l esky)
- Leave for 45 minutes
- Strain into brewpot.
- Rinse through with 1l of not-quite-boiling water to extract everything.
Boil: 30 minutes SG 1.411 4 liters
2kg Amber malt extract
2kg Light dry malt extract
- Use the strained extract form the partial mash (~4l worth)
- Bring that to a boil, add the first batch of hops
- Add more hops after 15 minutes
- Add the remaining extract a few minutes from the end
- Bring to a boil again
- Strain into fermenter, top up to 23l.
Hops: 65g Tettnanger (3.9% AA, 30 min.)
15g Tettnanger (3.9% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: DCL Saflager S-23, rehydrated with 250ml water and two teaspoons of DME.
Log: Brewed on 2/9/2001, OG came out at 1.068 for me, Recipator reckons differently, though.
Fermented @ 14 deg C.
Just finished primary fermentation.
Will transfer to secondary this weekend.
Two weeks in secondary at 3deg C is planned.
Carbonation: 2.4 volumes Corn Sugar: 142g for 23 liters @ 20°C

Recipe posted 09/11/01.