Umlaut Oktoberfest

My first attempt at an all-grain O'fest. Notably, it uses quite a lot of
Melanoidin malt (10%) because I had lots of it (and no Munich malt...).

Brewer: Stuart Grant Email:
Beer: Umlaut Oktoberfest Style: Märzen/Oktoberfest
Type: All grain Size: 18.2 liters
19 HCU (~11 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.013
Alcohol: 5.4% v/v (4.3% w/w)
Water: -- Dechlorinated with SodMet and CaCl2-ed to 50ppm Ca++
Grain: 2.7kg Australian Pilsner malt
1.0kg Hoepfner Vienna malt
400g Weyermann Melanoidin malt
90g Weyermann CaraAroma malt
Mash: 78% efficiency
Sweet Decoction mash:
67ºC (down to 63ºC) for 30min.
Pull 1/3 thick decoction, boil 15min, then return.
72ºC (down to 70C) for 20min.
Boil: 80 minutes SG 1.047 21.2 liters
-- 1/2 tsp. Irish moss last 15min
-- 1/2 tsp Wyeast nutrient
Hops: 30g Hallertauer Mittelfruh (4.7% AA, 60 min.)
Yeast: -- 200mL thick slurry of Wyeast Budvar lager (WY2000), 3rd generation.
Log: -- Pitched and aerated at 12ºC; reaerated 6 hours later.
-- Fermented from 1.055 -> 1.020 at 8-9ºC for very clean profile.
-- 2-3 days diacetyl rest at 18ºC to FG.
-- Bottled, carbonated, then lagered for 4 weeks at 2ºC.
Carbonation: -- 16L beer at 9ºC primed with 1.0L spiese for approx. 2.5 vol CO2.

Recipe posted 09/15/05.