Stout for Christmas

Popped Wyeast @ 9:45am (1084 (Irish Ale)

Brewer: RAF Email: -
Beer: Stout for Christmas Style: American Amber Ale
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
127 HCU (~41 SRM)
Bitterness: 15 IBU
OG: 1.054 FG: 1.056
Alcohol: -
Water: None
Grain: 0.73 lb. American crystal 20L
0.73 lb. American black patent
Mash: 75% efficiency
Heated 1lbs of Black Malt and 1lbs of Caramel Malt for 30 mins at 155F.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.090 3 gallons
6 lb. 6 oz. Dark malt extract
Boil 3 gallons for 60 mins. 3 gallons contains 6.6lbsb of malt extract and 2lbs of grains.
Hops: 0.80 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 30 min.)
0.80 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
Yeast: Wyeats 1084 Irish Ale
Log: Yeast activated at 9:45am
Yeast pitched at 10:15pm @ 68F.

Recipe posted 12/18/05.