Day of the Dead Guy Ale

I test-brewed this with SAFALE US-56 while I waited for the release of Wyeast #1764 - Rogue Pac Man ale yeast and it is unbelievably close. Now that I have the Rogue strain I will brew it again to compare the differences.

IMO, the key to this recipe is the Honey malt. I've tried to clone this beer before using various darker Munich malts and they have never before been this close.

Brewer: Derek - myLHBS Email:
Beer: Day of the Dead Guy Ale Style: "Rogue Maeirbock ale"
Type: All grain Size: 5 gallons
15 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 39 IBU
OG: 1.063 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 6.4% v/v (5.0% w/w)
Water: Calcium chloride added to mash and sparge water to adjust pH and accentuate malt flavor in finished product.
Grain: 8.75 lb. Briess 2-row malt
1.75 lb. Gambrinus Honey malt
1 lb. Muntons CaraPils malt
Mash: 75% efficiency
Mash to conversion at 150F.
Boil: 45 minutes SG 1.053 6 gallons
Hops: 1.25 oz. Perle pellets (7.7% AA, 45 min.)
1 oz. Saaz pellets (3.6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Saaz pellets (aroma)
Yeast: Test-brewed with US-56. Will try with Wyeast 1764 (Pac Man) next.
Tasting: In side by side comparison almost identical to Dead Guy ale. Saaz finish in mine is a little more pronounced (floral) but very pleasant.

Recipe posted 09/09/06.