Robust Porter

My first attempt at a Robust Porter

Brewer: Brian Bishop Email:
Beer: Robust Porter Style: Robust Porter
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
114 HCU (~38 SRM)
Bitterness: 29 IBU
OG: 1.060 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 5.9% v/v (4.7% w/w)
Grain: .5 lb. Gambruins Honey Malt
1 lb. American crystal 60L
.5 lb. American chocolate
.5 lb. Roasted barley
.5 lb. Belgian CaraMunich
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.100 3 gallons
5 lb. Light dry malt extract
4 oz. Molasses
Hops: 1 oz. Kent Goldings (5.8% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5.8% AA, 30 min.)
.75 oz. Kent Goldings (5.8% AA, 10 min.)
.25 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
Yeast: Wyeast American Ale Yeast - Used commercially for several classic American Ales. This strain ferments dry, finish soft, smooth and clean
Log: Brewed 9Apr06 - O.G. 1.060
Racked to glass 16Apr06 - S.G. 1.014
24Apr06 - Added a few ounces of french oak to the secondary. Will let rest for two weeks before testing.
Bottled - 6May06
Tasting: 16Apr06 - This beer has a very pronounced roasted/coffee flavor. Some smoke undertones. I will let this rest until the fall.
6May06 - Very smooth flavor. Roasted/coffee tones. Still a hint of smoke from the roasted malts. Will benefit with age for sure.
12May06 - My first actual bottle after carbonation. A slightly chocolate aroma. Very malty flavor; coffee, toffee, chocolate, and roasted flavors abound. Malt flavors are complemented well by the oak. An excellent hop balance, letting the malt shine through. Can't wait for this fall...
9Oct06 - It's fall! This is a great beer that has gotten better with age. The flavors have mellowed, a well balanced roasted flavor with vanilla undertones from the oak. I'll brew this again for sure!

Recipe posted 10/09/06.