Rex Dog ~ Blueberry Ale


1 can Coopers light malt extract (3.3lbs)
2 lbs Muntons dried malt extract
1 cup whole crystal barley
1 oz Cascade Hops
1 pack liquid London Ale Yeast*
5 oz Priming Sugar
3 quarts water

Brewer: Nick Shoemaker Email:
Beer: Rex Dog ~ Blueberry Ale Style: American Pale Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 6 gallons
0 HCU (~0 SRM)
Bitterness: 0 IBU
OG: 1.000 FG: -
Alcohol: -
Water: Add wort and 3 gallons of cold water to bucket

Boil: 30 minutes SG 1.000 .5 gallons
Boil water at 212F 1/2 hour

Once it's at a boil add malts

Place "tea-bag" in water prior to boiling and get as much out as possible by squeezing it

Hop to taste, 1/2 in beginning and half at flame out is safe. Hops at begining add to bitterness while hops added at flame out will add to aroma
Yeast: Add one packet liquid yeast

1028 London Ale Yeast. Rich with a dry finish, minerally profile, bold and crisp, with some fruitiness. Often used for higher gravity ales and when a high level of attenuation is desired for the style. Flocculation - medium; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (60-72° F, 15-22° C)

100 grams(3.5 oz, 7 Tablespoons) dried malt extract to 1 liter(quart) of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool, aerate, and pour into a sterile jar or flask with loose lid or foil cover. Incubate starter at 70-75F for 24-48 hours. Pour starter into five gallons of well-aerated or oxygenated wort at 70F.
Maintain temperature until fermentation is evident: CO2 bubble fermentation, bubbling airlock, or foaming on top of wort.
Log: Stir then seal the lid, seal in the air-lock and keep temperature between 70 + 75 degrees.

Dry Hop 1 ounce Kent Goldings in secondary fermentor

Stir in blueberry extract to taste I used 4oz's

Let sit for at least four weeks before drinking
Carbonation: 2.0 volumes Keg: 21.8 psi @ 72°F
Carbonate keg (5 gallon cornelius) Force carbonate @ 21.8lbs CO2 / Beer-72F for 24hrs

Final CO2 kept at 10lbs for 24hrs (Gets tastier if you wait another week)

Tasting: Add Frozen Blueberries To Your Glass & Watch Them Jump Around AS They Change Temp

Recipe posted 10/28/06.