Tide Me Over

This is just a quick little single-stage-fermentation recipe to "Tide Me Over" until my other, longer ferment style ales are ready.

Brewer: Tom Albright Email: -
Beer: Tide Me Over Style: American Pale Ale
Type: Extract Size: 5 gallons
4 HCU (~4 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
OG: 1.045 FG: 1.011
Alcohol: 4.4% v/v (3.4% w/w)
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.045 5 gallons
5 lb. Light dry malt extract
I actually brewed this in 2 stages. First I boiled 3 lbs of DME all alone. Then I boiled 2 gallons of DME in 2-1/4 gallons of water with all the hops in that batch. I did this to maximize hop utilization when I couldn't do a full wort boil.
Hops: 1 oz. Cascade (5.3% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (5.3% AA, 10 min.)
Log: The 2-stage boil was a great idea, in theory, but it took hours to cool to pitching temp. I started with 1 gallon of near-frozen water added to the first 2-gallon batch of wort. I stuck that in the freezer to wait while I boiled the 2d stage. Unfortunately, one hour in the freezer didn't cool it enough to impact the 2d addition. Three hours later I pitched my yeast. (at 76°)

Recipe posted 03/09/07.