Creepy Uncle Dunkel

My first attempt at a Dunkelweizen.

Brewer: Chris Ungvarsky Email:
Beer: Creepy Uncle Dunkel Style: Dunkelweizen
Type: Partial mash Size: 5.2 gallons
37 HCU (~18 SRM)
Bitterness: 18 IBU
OG: 1.043 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 4.3% v/v (3.4% w/w)
Water: Tap water.
Grain: 2 lb. German Caramel Wheat malt
1 lb. German Vienna
1 lb. German Dark Munich
1.5 oz. American chocolate
1.5 oz. American black patent
4 oz. Flaked wheat
Mash: 60% efficiency
Countertop mini mash done in Igloo 3 gallon water cooler with strainer used as "false bottom." Mash Grains in 1.5 gal water at 155°F (Place room temp grains in cooler, then heat 1.5 gal water to 167°F then add slowly to cooler). Allow to stand for 30 min. Drain some of first wort into pitcher and pour gently back over grain bed. Drain first wort off and place immediately into .5 gal boiling water. Keep first wort at a slow boil during sparge. Sparge grain with 1 gal water at 190°F. Allow to stand 5 minutes. Recycle a pitcher of 2nd wort gently over the grains again then collect runnings and add all to brewpot.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.075 3 gallons
1 lb. Light dry malt extract
2 lb. Wheat extract
Bring to boil, remove from heat. Add extracts and 1 oz Perle hops then return to heat. Boil 60 minutes. At 30 minutes add 1/2 oz Hersbrucker hops. At 45 min add 1 tsp Irish Moss for last 15 minutes of boil.
Hops: 1 oz. Perle (5.7% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Hersbrucker (3.3% AA, 30 min.)
Yeast: White Labs 300 - Hefeweizen
Log: Primary fermentation at 65°F for 1 week. Secondary fermentation at 60°F for two weeks.
Carbonation: Keg and force carbonate.

Recipe posted 02/01/08.