big sarge's big brown ale

6# Light Dry Malt Extract
4# Light/Pale Malt Extract Syrup
1 # Victory Malt
1# American Crystal 80L
1/2# American Chocolate

60 min 3.0 Cascade(plug)
7.5 min 2.0 Columbus(leaf)

White Labs Dry English Ale (WLP007)
This stuff is very fast!!!!!!
Batch size: 5.0 gallons
Original Gravity 1.096 (1.086 to 1.100) 1.098 Actual
Final Gravity 1.024 (1.021 to 1.026) 1.023 Actual
Color 21° SRM (Brown to Dark Brown)
Bitterness 53.4 IBU (Corrected)
BU:GU 0.56
Alcohol 9.6% A.B.V. 7.4% A.B.W.
Calories 316 per 12 oz.

Brewer: Robert Email:
Beer: big sarge's big brown ale Style: Barley Wine / old ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.0 gallons
48 HCU (~21 SRM)
Bitterness: 42 IBU
OG: 1.089 FG: 1.023
Alcohol: 8.6% v/v (6.7% w/w)
Water: 3 gal poland springs + 1 litre fiji spring water for the boil
Grain: 1.0 lb. crystal 80
1.0 lb. victory
0.5 lb. chocolate
Steep: elevated water temp to 165 and turned off heat then steeped for 20 min lid on
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.149 3.0 gallons
6. lb. Light Dry Malt Extract
4. lb. Light/Pale Malt Extract Syrup
servomyces - get this stuff for last 10 min of boil
whirlflock - last 15 min boil
1/2 tsp gelatin 2 days before bottling
Hops: 3 oz. casade (6.6% AA, 60 min.)
2 oz. columbus (12.6% AA, 7.5 min.)
Yeast: wlp007 dry english ale
Log: damn this yeast is fast
Carbonation: bottle conditioned with priming sugar

Recipe posted 09/05/08.