Oaked IPA

I used the True Brew IPA extract/Grain kit. I soaked 4 oz of American oak chips in 10 oz of vodka to sanitize and added it to the secondary.

Brewer: Joe Geiger Email: -
Beer: Oaked IPA Style: India Pale Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.0 gallons
21 HCU (~12 SRM)
Bitterness: 13 IBU
OG: 1.050 FG: 1.008
Alcohol: 5.4% v/v (4.3% w/w)
Grain: 7.6 oz. American victory
0.94 lb. American crystal 60L
Steep: Steeped Crystal 60L and Victory Malts for 30 min at 160°-170°.
Boil: minutes SG 1.143 1.75 gallons
6.24 lb. Light malt extract
Added Irish Moss final 20 min
Hops: 1.45 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Yeast: Used Nottingham dried yeast
Log: 1 week in primary
1 week in secondary with Oak chips
Tasting: Tasted before racking to seconday. It had a nice hopped and sweet flavor.
Tasted before bottling. Heavy oak and vodka taste. Will let it sit for a month in the bottles to se if it mellows out the oak and vodka flavors.

Recipe posted 10/15/09.