Goat Sass Ale

This is my attempt at a partial mash Belgian Blonde

Brewer: electronjunkie Email: -
URL: http://twitter.com/electronjunkie
Beer: Goat Sass Ale Style: Belgian Pale Ale
Type: Partial mash Size: 4.5 gallons
7 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 19 IBU
OG: 1.065 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 7.0% v/v (5.5% w/w)
Water: Raleigh City water ;) none
Grain: 4.5 lb. Belgian Pilsner
0.5 lb. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Mash: 75% efficiency
Used the "deathbrewer" method. Checked for complete conversion with iodine test. Sparged in a cooler.
Boil: 50 minutes SG 1.058 5 gallons
3 lb. Light dry malt extract
0.4 lb. Cane sugar
Hops: 1 oz. Hallertauer (5.25% AA, 60 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 1214XL - Belgian Ale
Abbey-style top-fermenting yeast, suitable for high-gravity beers. Estery, great complexity with very good alcohol tolerance. This strain can be slow to start.

Flocculation: medium-low
Attenuation: 73-77%
Temperature Range: 68-78° F (20-24° C)
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 9% ABV
Log: 5/1/2010-5/2/2010
Still fermenting

Recipe posted 05/02/10.