Flight AA172 Pale Ale

This is a Belgian-inspired pale ale, but with the distinctly American touch dry hopping with Cascade in the secondary fermenter.

Brewer: Nick Email: -
Beer: Flight AA172 Pale Ale Style: Belgian Pale Ale
Type: All grain Size: 5.25 gallons
7 HCU (~6 SRM)
Bitterness: 22 IBU
OG: 1.063 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 6.6% v/v (5.2% w/w)
Grain: 9 lb. Belgian Pilsner
1 lb. Briess Caramel 20L
Mash: 80% efficiency
Single step mash at 151°F. (3.75 gal of 172°F water at the kettle--->166°F in the HLT. Mix with 10lb of grain at 70°F). Sparge with 5 gal of 170°F water (172°F at the kettle prior to transfer to HTL.)
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.047 7 gallons
1 lb. Belgian candi sugar
Add the soft light Belgian Candi sugar 15min before the end. Add 1/4tspn Irish Moss 10min before the end.
Hops: 1.5 oz. Fuggles (3.6% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Saaz (3.2% AA, 5 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Yeast: Wyeast #3522 Belgian Ardens liquid yeast
Log: Chill wort to 66-68°F and aerate with two 20sec blasts of oxygen prior to introducing the yeast. Ferment at normal basement temperatures (for me, it is 66-70°F)
Carbonation: Carbonate with CO2 at 15-20 psi for 4 days after kegging. Serve at 8-10 psi pressure.

Recipe posted 08/31/10.