Welcome Back Stout

This is my first full batch in 4 years. This would be great smoked and oaked! ACTUALLY FALLS UNDER AMERICAN STOUT.

Brewer: Tom Healy Email: tomh51369@yahoo.com
Beer: Welcome Back Stout Style: Foreign-Style Stout
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 6 gallons
174 HCU
Bitterness: 159 IBU
OG: 1.065 FG: 1.018
Alcohol: 6.0% v/v (4.7% w/w)
Water: Only boiled tap (OK Hollywood - med low minerals + chlor) and typical brewers yeast nutrient in the steep.
Grain: 1 lb. 8 oz. Belgian aromatic
8 oz. Rye, Roasted
8 oz. British black patent
8 oz. Roasted barley
Steep: Place all grains in a pata pot. Brought a boil for 10 min let simmer 15 mins. Let sit till cool. placed in fridge over night, had to reheat, rinsed into kettle. Kind of sloppy but my equip is put away and oxidized. Lots of ß-glutans.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.055 7 gallons
8 lb. Dark malt extract
12 oz. Cane sugar
None. Very well managed but tried a good boil for caramalization toward the end.
Hops: 3 oz. Summit (18.1% AA, 90 min.)
1 oz. Summit (aroma)
Yeast: Fresh, new Nottingham (greatly improved from years back)
Log: Rehydrated yeast in wort. Pitched at 85°f. I usually ferment on top of trub. Came back from work 10 hours later. Powerful ferment. lifted 14 inch double layer steel pot lid right off the pot. Transferred into plastic. Post primary ferm, put back into steel pot and placed it into fridge for secondary (PUT some boiled wood chip tea + a little rice malt syrup to respark ferm to eat up oxygen induced during xransfer but no visual evidence of bubbles...mabey yeast dropped to bottom (some yeast is always carried over) Died of Alc poisening - not likely mabeyferm is anarobic? Smels more alcaholic than calculated. This calc is usually accurate enough for home brewing that when I broke my last hydrometer I stopped using it.
Carbonation: Still in fridge one more week from 22 Jun 2011. Utilized 1/2 cup raw sugar.
Tasting: Post primary is excellent! Bitter! Wish it had more esters, though! Very drinkable! After only three days some samples were was almost fully carbonated. One week later - PERFECT!
I did not have any problems with the "NOTTY". Excellent fermentation, did not even use any finings.....Fresh, CLean bitterness, "California" hop notes...THIS IS A DRY BUT AWESOME STOUT!

Recipe posted 06/25/11.