Bumpy Butt IPA

This is my first attempt at brewing and recipe formulation. It turned out good and I'll make it again.

Brewer: Patrick Crabtree Email: crabtre@bigfoot.com
Beer: Bumpy Butt IPA Style: India Pale Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
18 HCU (~11 SRM)
Bitterness: 65 IBU
OG: 1.074 FG: 1.019
Alcohol: 7.0% v/v (5.5% w/w)
Water: Used charcoal filtered water and added 2 teaspoons Burton Salts
Grain: 1 lb. 0 oz. American crystal 20L
Steep: Steep grain in a muslin bag. Start with 2 gallons of cold water in brewpot. Raise temperature to 175°F and then sparge with 1 gallon 170°F water. Then add extract and bring to a boil.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.123 3 gallons
8 lb. 4 oz. Light malt extract
1 lb. 5 oz. Amber malt extract
Hops: 1.0 oz. Cascade (5.8% AA, 60 min.)
2.0 oz. Perle (7.0% AA, 60 min.)
1.0 oz. Cascade (5.8% AA, 30 min.)
1.0 oz. Perle (7.0% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (5.8% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Perle (7.0% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
.5 oz. Perle (aroma)
Yeast: White Labs WLP002 English Ale. Made a 1 pint starter and let it work for 24 hours. Pitched at high krausen at +/- 73°F.
Log: 3/28/99 Brewed, fermented at 65°F in plastic; 4/2/99 Racked off to secondary fermenter (glass carboy), added 1 oz. Cascade Hops (plugs) for dry hopping and 2.5 tsps. gelatine as a fining agent. 4/10/99 Siphoned off into keg and force carbonated. Beer is great, However I think that a longer secondary fermentation would have allowed the beer to clear more. Combined with the chill haze it is a rather cloudy (though sorta cool) orange/amber. Very hoppy with a definite alcoholic character and a beautiful Cascade hops aroma. I'll make this again, although with a longer secondary fermentation. Unfortunately the OG reading in the recipe is only a guess. I found that my hydrometer was cracked and had let the wort INTO the bulb, so who knows what it might have been.
Carbonation: 0.0 volumes
Force carbonated.
Tasting: The beer is excellent! I might reduce the amount of bittering hops just a tad next time. I love the hops, but like other flavors to come through as well. I think that this one needs to be a bit better balanced.

Recipe posted 04/03/99.