Angry Bob's Amarillo IPA

My recipe is based on a 81% efficiency. According to BeerSmith the OG should be 1.057

Brewer: Angry Bob Email: -
Beer: Angry Bob's Amarillo IPA Style: India Pale Ale
Type: All grain Size: 5.5 gallons
9 HCU (~7 SRM)
Bitterness: 96 IBU
OG: 1.058 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 6.2% v/v (4.9% w/w)
Water: I use cirtric acid to adjust my water to a 6.0 ph.
Grain: 9 lb. 8 oz. American 2-row
8 oz. American crystal 60L
12 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Mash: 81% efficiency
I mash in 13.44 quarts of water at 168 degrees f to acheive a mash temp of 154. I let it mash for 90 minutes.
Boil: 105 minutes SG 1.036 8.91 gallons
I let this boil for 15 before I start adding the hops so the total boil time is 105 minutes. I do this to allow for a good hot break. I sacoop out the hot break and add the magnum hops with 90 minutes remaining. I use a tablet of whirflock at 15 minutes remaining.
Hops: 1.3 oz. Magnum (14.2% AA, 90 min.)
1 oz. Amarillo (9.2% AA, 10 min.)
2 oz. Amarillo (9.2% AA, 5 min.)
Yeast: I use Nottingham, but SafAle US-05 works good as well.
Log: I huave made this several times. All of my friends like this beer. Ferment at 67 degrees F. Leave it on the yeast cake for 2 weeks. Transfer to secondary for 4 more weeks.
Carbonation: 2.4 volumes Dried Malt Extract: 7.77 oz. for 5.5 gallons @ 67°F
Bottled or keeged I love this beer. I cask condition this with 4 ounces of X-Lite DME for 4 weeks. At the end of the 11 week period this will be an outstanding beer. Of course you can drink it green if you like or you can force carbonate to cut 4 or so weeks off of the timeframe. It's well worth the wait.
Tasting: This is another staple in my Keezer. This IPA has an excellent grapefruit flavor with just the right amount of bitterness.

Recipe posted 03/15/09.