Rouge 2

This was my first attempt at a Chimay Red clone. I did quite a bit
of research and feel that this is perfect. I used wheat in this reci-
pe even though I haven't seen it in any other clone recipes. On the
Chimay web site they mention it as one of their four grains used to
make their beers. The O.G.of Chimay Red is 1.070 but to achieve their
alcohol by volume of 7% I had to add the candy sugar. This recipe
would be 1.063 if no sugar was used. This tastes better than many
other dubbles that I have tried.

Brewer: Bill Maynard Email:
Beer: Rouge 2 Style: Belgian Dubbel
Type: All grain Size: 5.75 gallons
30 HCU (~15 SRM)
Bitterness: 25 IBU
OG: 1.069 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 7.1% v/v (5.6% w/w)
Water: 1.5 tsp. Gypsum per 5 gal. of brew water(soft water). One drop of
Lactic acid per gal. of sparge water.
Grain: 10.4 lb. Belgian pale
.5 lb. Wheat malt
1 oz. Belgian chocolate
.5 lb. Belgian Special B
Mash: 86% efficiency
Double decoction with rests at 145° for 25 min. 154-156° for 20 min.
boil 15 min. Combine,rest at 156-154° for 60 min. Half of mash (thin)
boil for five min. for a mash-out at 165°.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.055 7.25 gallons
.75 lb. Belgian candi sugar
The candi sugar was added half way through the boil.
Hops: .7 oz. Hallertauer (3.2% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Tettnanger (4.9% AA, 60 min.)
.45 oz. Hallertauer (3.2% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Use WYeast 1214. The more the better. This strain is reported to be
"the" Chimay yeast. After using it I believe it. This ended up being
a dynamite recipe.
Log: Primary for one week. Secondary for five weeks.
Carbonation: 2.4 volumes Cane Sugar: 4.00 oz. for 5.2 gallons @ 66°F
Chimay Red is highly carbonated for a dark ale.
Tasting: This was bottled after 4-5 weeks in the secondary. After two weeks
in the bottle the beer tasted magnificent. I let it age another
three months and finished the last bottle two days ago. One year
after it was brewed.

Recipe posted 03/13/01.