white swede

Brewer: Jason Nelson Email: jj_nelson@yahoo.com
Beer: white swede Style: Belgian White (Wit)
Type: All grain Size: 7 gallons
3 HCU (~3 SRM)
Bitterness: 17 IBU
OG: 1.043 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 4.3% v/v (3.3% w/w)
Water: Mash and sparge water is approximately 2/3 distilled water
and 1/3 extremely hard filtered tap water
Grain: 5 lb. DWC Pilsner
2 lb. DWC Wheat malt
2.5 lb. Flaked wheat
Mash: 87% efficiency
Dough-in: 100F for 30 min
Protein rest: 124F for 30 min
Maltose rest: 140F for 30 min
Sach. rest: 152-154F for 90 min
Used .5 lb rice hulls as base in lauter tun
Mixed .5 lb rice hulls into mash prior to lauter
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.043 7 gallons
Hops: .85 oz. US Saaz pellets (5.2% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cjech Saaz plug (5 yrs old) (3.75% AA, 30 min.)
Yeast: White Labs Belgian Wit 750ml starter
Log: Brewed 27Mar2000
This recipe was for 5 gal assuming usual efficiency of 70%
New lauter system yielded 87%, which put OG at 1.060
Dumped approximately 1-2 gal wort and replaced with preboiled water

Recipe posted 03/28/00.