my pale ale

This was a throw together I had some left over hops from a 90min. IPA clone so I wanted to make some sort of an IPA so this is what i did.

Brewer: Jake Retter Email:
Beer: my pale ale Style: American Pale Ale
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
14 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 39 IBU
OG: 1.049 FG: 1.013
Alcohol: 4.7% v/v (3.7% w/w)
Water: bottled spring water
Grain: .8 oz. American crystal 40L
.8 oz. American crystal 60L
Mash: 60% efficiency
there was only 1lb. of gain so I steeped it in 1 1/2 gals. of water at 154 degrees for twenty min. then pulled the grains put my bag into a colander run my steeping water throw the grain then run 1 gal. of water at 170 degrees throw the gains. the fg of 1.013 is only an estament
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.098 2.5 gallons
3.3 lb. Light malt extract
3.3 lb. Amber malt extract
12 oz. honey
I put 12ozs. of honey in with 15mins. left not sure why just sounded good with the hops i put in. Then I put A tbsp of Irish moss
Hops: .5 oz. worrior (15.9% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. simco (11.8% AA, 45 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: was a dry ale yeast
Log: well i just brewed it but I plan on fermenting for three days then moving it to a second fermenter for 5-7 days then bottling. no dry hoping this one
Carbonation: 5oz of priming sugar 2 cups of water. boil up sugar then add to bottling bucket
Tasting: I don't know how good its going to be but it tasted pretty good when I drank what I had from my hydrometer tube. it was sweat but had a bittery hopsey finish. well will see in a month. but its about having fun and making home brew right thats how the greatest beers are brewed.

Recipe posted 03/21/09.