Toshi's Arigato American Hefeweizen

My good friend and research colleague, Toshiko, gave me tremendous
support and assistance with my microbiology thesis research (too bad
my project wasn't on yeast fermentation!). I know that she became
rather fond of Hefeweizen over the summer, so I decided to give her an
extra special "Arigato, Toshi" by brewing her a special beer. Thanks
for hanging in there, Toshi...I owe you a cold one! -Dave

Brewer: Dave Fujiyama Email:
Beer: Toshi's Arigato American Hefeweizen Style: American Wheat
Type: All grain Size: 5.5 gallons
3 HCU (~3 SRM)
Bitterness: 12 IBU
OG: 1.042 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 3.7% v/v (2.9% w/w)
Water: I prefer to use deionized water for many of my favorite syles; this
prevents harsh mineral-accentuated bitterness from boiling hops.
Therefore, be sure to carefully monitor runoff pH and specific gravity
to prevent oversparging, and leaching excessive polyphenols from the
grain husks.
Grain: 3 lb. 8 oz. American 2-row
5 lb. 12 oz. Wheat malt
Mash: 67% efficiency
Single-step infusion: Add 9.5 liters of 77°C water to mash in at
67° C for 60 minutes. Use iodine to check for conversion; mash out
by heating mash to 77° C. Sparge with 5 gal of water at 77° C (do not
oversparge); collect about 6.5 gal of runoff, or top up to 6.5 gal.
Be sure to closely monitor pH and runoff specific gravity during
sparging. I've learned that assuming a low efficiency in mashing
procedures allows me to "not worry" (and have another coldie while
I'm at it!) about high extract efficiency. The extra grain allows for
adequate extract without excessive sparging.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.036 6.5 gallons
Hops: 4g Nugget (12.2% AA, 60 min.)
15g Hallertauer Hersbrucker (3.5% AA, 30 min.)
14g Hallertauer Hersbrucker (aroma)
Yeast: White Labs WLP320 American Hefeweizen (1 liter starter)
Log: brew date: 2/6/00
fermentation temperature: 16C
Ferment in glass primary at 16C for 10 days; rack to glass secondary
on 2/16/00 and continue fermentation for 2-3 weeks.
Bottle with 146g corn sugar for 2.6 volumes CO2
Carbonation: 2.6 volumes Corn Sugar: 146g for 5.5 gallons @ 20°C

Recipe posted 02/05/00.