Bigjohns Honey & Blueberry Ale

This is my wife's favorite of all my brews, edging out my Belgian Wit
and just about anything else I brew... although she does love a good
Weizenbier. Third place in the PeachState Brew-off (1998/99) January
23, 1999 - Specialty Beer category.

Brewer: Bigjohn Email:
Beer: Bigjohns Honey & Blueberry Ale Style: -
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
7 HCU (~6 SRM)
Bitterness: 12 IBU
OG: 1.040 FG: 1.006
Alcohol: 4.4% v/v (3.5% w/w)
Grain: 3 oz. American crystal 40L
3 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Steep: Steep grains in 1qt saucepan of 160(f) water for 30-45mins (while
bringing the main water to a boil. Pour grains and water through
strainer into boil kettle with 3 gal of water (5gal kettle).
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.067 3 gallons
4.5 lb. Light malt extract
2 oz. Brown sugar
4 oz. Corn sugar
6 oz. Honey
Irish Moss last 15 mins of boil. Add 2/3 bottle of blueberry flavor extract at bottling time.
Hops: 1 oz. Liberty (4.7% AA, 60 min.)
Yeast: Danstar nottingham or Coopers work well with this recipe.
Log: Fermented 11days primary, 14 days secondary.
Date Start 10/1/98
Date Rack 10/12/98
Date Bottle10/26/98
Carbonation: 2.8 volumes Corn Sugar: 5.40 oz. for 5 gallons @ 74°F

Recipe posted 01/26/99.