Brian's Midas Touch

This recipe is the result of about 3-4 different batches. I started with the original Dogfish head Midas Touch recipe and tweaked it until i was happy with it. It's a fun recipe - the grape juice concentrate makes for a great taste and a lot more alcohol.

Brewer: Brian Dilley Email:
Beer: Brian's Midas Touch Style: American Amber Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
13 HCU (~8 SRM)
Bitterness: 4 IBU
OG: 1.097 FG: 1.004
Alcohol: 12.0% v/v (9.4% w/w)
Grain: 0.50 lb. 82 Belgian Crystal
0.50 lb. 42-49L German Crystal
Steep: Steep the grains as you would any other recipe, 15-20 minutes is good.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.323 1.5 gallons
9.0 lb. Light Malt Extract
2 lb. Clover Honey
32 oz. Alexander's White Muscat Grape Juice Concentrate
Bring 1.5g or so of water to a boil. In another pot steep the grain and poor the tea into the boil. Remove the heat. Add the malt extract and clover honey immediately. Bring back to boil. After hot break (no more foam) add the bittering hops (0.5oz Simcoe). When there is 15 minutes left on the boil add hops for flavor (0.25oz Simcoe). When the boil is complete remove the fire and add the aroma hops (0.25oz Simcoe) and ~12 Saffron threads for additional aroma and a slight bit of color. Be sure to mix it around well (a whirlpool). You can add Irish Moss at this point as well if desired (1tsp).
Hops: 1.0 oz. Simcoe (13% AA, 60 min.)
0.25 oz. Simcoe (13% AA, 15 min.)
0.25 oz. Simcoe (aroma)
Yeast: Use WYEAST 1056 American Ale - a single smack pack is sufficient. This yeast is great for high gravity beers such as this (I've gotten a batch to nearly 13% alcohol).
Log: After primary fermentation has slowed or stopped (roughly 2-4 days) poor in 1 quart of Alexander's White Muscat Grape Juice Concentrate and shake\mix it in as good as possible. Let it ferment for another week or so.
Carbonation: Bottle or keg as you would any other recipe.

Recipe posted 04/23/11.