We Be Brown Balgan II

From lots of practice (not brewin).

Brewer: Ed G Email: egausselin@ufgi.com
Beer: We Be Brown Balgan II Style: English Brown
Type: All grain Size: 11 gallons
23 HCU (~13 SRM)
Bitterness: 21 IBU
OG: 1.054 FG: 1.015
Alcohol: 5.0% v/v (3.9% w/w)
Water: Hinkly, and Chicago H2O from da'hose
Grain: 21.3 lb. British pale
8 oz. Belgian Special B
8 oz. British crystal 50-60L
2 oz. Belgian chocolate
Mash: 70% efficiency
Igloo cooler, and lots of TH(L)C.
Boil: 65 minutes SG 1.046 13 gallons
Irish moss incase you loose anything in dhere
Hops: 0.58 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh (5% AA, 60 min.)
1.17 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 60 min.)
0.58 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh (5% AA, 30 min.)
0.58 oz. Liberty (4% AA, 30 min.)
Yeast: Split one on a hot Belgan Ale, and the other on an English Ale starter
Tasting: 2 weeks from columbus day!!!

Recipe posted 10/05/01.