DEIPA (Double English IPA)

A theoretical English double IPA with an OG 1.083 of and 96 IBUs... I might brew this one in a month or two... notes will be revised/updated if I make it.

Brewer: Matthew R. Email:
Beer: DEIPA (Double English IPA) Style: India Pale Ale
Type: All grain Size: 5.5 gallons
16 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 96 IBU
OG: 1.083 FG: 1.020
Alcohol: 8.1% v/v (6.4% w/w)
Water: Reverse osmosis water, Butronized with 1-2 tsp gypsum.
Grain: 13 lb. British pale
.33 lb. Wheat malt
1 lb. British crystal 50-60L
Mash: 76% efficiency
150*F for 90 mins, 170*F for 10 min mashout.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.054 8.5 gallons
1 lb. Cane sugar
I tsp yeast mutrient added 5 mins before knockout. Wirfloc tab for a good cold break.
Hops: 1.25 oz. Northdown (8.5% AA, 90 min.)
1.5 oz. Fuggles (4.6% AA, 15 min.)
1.5 oz. Yakima Goldings (4.6% AA, 15 min.)
2 oz. Fuggles (4.6% AA, 10 min.)
2 oz. Yakima Goldings (4.6% AA, 10 min.)
3 oz. Fuggles (4.6% AA, 5 min.)
3 oz. Yakima Goldings (4.6% AA, 5 min.)
Yeast: WLP007, large multistep starter
Log: Dry hop with 4 oz fuggle pellets 10 days prior to kegging/bottling.

Recipe posted 03/14/10.