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Rochefort 12 Look-a-like

Brewer: Pascal Desbiens Email:
Beer: Rochefort 12 Look-a-like Style: Belgian Strong Ale
Type: All grain Size: 19 liters
24 HCU (~13 SRM)
Bitterness: 36 IBU
OG: 1.114 FG: 1.021
Alcohol: 12.0% v/v (9.4% w/w)
Grain: 6.5kg British pale
500g Wheat malt
250g Belgian aromatic
100g Belgian Special B
250g British Carastan
Mash: 75% efficiency
Mash in 65c 60 min.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.094 23 liters
1.2kg Corn sugar
Hops: 56g Kent Goldings (5% AA, 60 min.)
21g Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 40 min.)
28g Saaz (3.75% AA, 10 min.)
28g Saaz (aroma)
Yeast: White Labs Trappist Ale

Recipe posted 09/28/01.